Kamala Harris’ Record

Kamala Harris: The Architect of America’s Border Crisis

Under Kamala Harris' leadership as Joe Biden's "Border Czar," America has faced an unprecedented border crisis. Harris' reckless policies have turned our southern border into a gateway for crime, chaos, and unchecked illegal immigration. Her failure to secure the border is a direct threat to the safety and sovereignty of the United States.

Five Ways Kamala’s Reckless Border Crisis Puts America at Risk:

Neglects National Security: Harris has allowed hundreds of foreigners connected to terrorist rings and people on the terror watchlist to enter the U.S., endangering American lives.¹

Failed as Border Czar: Despite being appointed to manage the border crisis, Harris resisted taking ownership, leading to a complete breakdown in border security.²

Supports Radical Immigration Policies: Harris backed downgrading illegal border crossings to a civil offense, weakening our defenses against serious criminals.³

Prioritizes Illegal Immigrants Over Americans: Under Harris’ policies, illegal immigrants benefit from taxpayer-funded services while American citizens suffer the consequences of unchecked crime.⁴

Ignited a Surge in Illegal Immigrant Crime: Illegal immigrant crime has spread across the nation, with skyrocketing rates of theft, assault, and even murder.⁵

Stop Kamala’s Border Crisis Now

The reckless Harris Border Crisis is a clear and present danger to the United States. Her failure to protect our borders has led to an influx of crime and chaos, putting every American at risk. We cannot afford to let her dangerous agenda continue. Click the button below to learn how you can take action to stop this disaster before it’s too late.

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