Kamala Harris’ Record

Kamala Harris' Economic Disaster is Crushing American Families

Under Kamala Harris' leadership, American families are facing unprecedented financial hardships. Her reckless economic policies have driven the cost of living to unbearable heights, forcing parents to struggle just to put food on the table and send their kids to school. Harris' approach is pushing families to the brink, making the American Dream seem more like a cruel joke.

Five Ways Kamala’s Economy Crushes Everyday Americans:

Skyrocketing Expenses: The cost of everyday household items has surged nearly 20% under Kamala’s watch, with families now paying as much as 50% more at the gas pump.¹

Economic Mismanagement: Kamala Harris inherited an economy on the path to recovery but turned it into a disaster by pushing a $1.9 trillion spending spree that economists warned would spark inflation—and it did.²

False Promises and Misleading Narratives: Harris' administration falsely claims economic progress, but in reality, real disposable income has barely grown during her time in the White House.³

Inflation Out of Control: Consumer prices have soared by 19.5% since Harris took office, a staggering 350% increase compared to Trump's tenure, revealing the depth of economic deterioration under her leadership.⁴

Unresolved Inflation Crisis: Harris and Biden's early spending spree and persistent deficits have laid the groundwork for continued inflation and high-interest rates, threatening to further entrench economic hardships for all Americans.⁵

America Deserves Better Than Kamala Harris' Economic Nightmare

Kamala Harris has proven herself a disaster for the American economy, pushing millions of families to the edge with her destructive policies. The skyrocketing cost of living is not just an inconvenience—it's a direct result of Harris' failed leadership. It's time to stand up and say enough is enough. Reject the continued economic suffering under Kamala Harris and demand real change. Click the button below now to take action and protect your family's future.

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